  Will My Wife Get Along With My Mum?

Malay Mail
Tuesday, 9th September 2008

Dear Lillian,
I understand that a Boar and a Snake are conflicting signs. This has become a situation I cannot avoid. My wife and I were born in 1971 (metal boar) while my moth­er was born in 1941 (fire snake). I never had big issues in my relationship with my mother. Currently my mother is staying with my elder brother who is not married.

However, I am thinking of buying a bigger place, thus I am thinking of ask­ing both my mother and brother to move in with me. This will happen sooner or later because my second brother is staying overseas, and there’s only me left to take care of the family. My mother likes my children and vice versa. My wife has been on good terms with my mother and I’d like to have all, of us under one roof.

However, since my wife and mother are of conflict­ing signs, I am worried that staying together will cause us trouble. Further­more, I travel a lot to far­away countries like Russia and Dubai for at least two to three weeks each time. That means my wife and mother will be home with­out me around for quite a while. Is there any advice to maintain harmony in the house?

A similar Boar and Snake situation is also happening in my work. My busi­ness partner in Singapore was born in the same year as me. We have worked to­gether for many years and are getting along very well. I also have a foreign part­ner who was born in 1965 (snake fire). He and I have been working together in another country. Even though he is Snake, I have been getting along very well with him for more than 10 years. I only found out he was born in 1965 recently.

We have a new business venture that will involve all three of us. Is there any advice for me to ensure this venture works out just the way we planned?

Meanwhile, my parents are a Boar and a Snake, too. They had divorced when I was eight. My grandparents are also a Snake and a Boar and they had also divorced before I was born. So this really worries me.

Will be grateful if you can advise me.
Thank you, Lucky Boar

Dear Lucky Boar,
You sound like a very kind Boar who somehow gets along very well with Snakes — maybe you have the Snake in your ascendant (meaning you were born in the hour of Snake / or the month of Snake or the Day of Snake). Usually when the year of birth is in conflict with someone but other in­dications of the pahtcheenullifies it, then it is less of a worry.

It is clear to me that you personally seem to have no problem with the. Snake so I would not worry far you. If you bring your mother to live with you, check and see if her hour of birth is Boar. Do the same for your part­ner.

There are always excep­tions to general rules when it comes to astrological in­dications so you are right to write to me to go deeper.

Dear Lillian
Hi, I was born on Feb 9, 1975 at 5.30 am. Some peo­ple say I’m a Tiger but some say I’m a Rabbit. I joined my current company July last year, but my boss joined six months later. She feels threatened by me and keeps on abusing me in front of my colleagues.

Recently, I tendered my resignation but the chair-man of the company with­held it and redesignated my position. This has up­set the top management team. I can foresee that my future is in this company but there will be lots of ob­stacles. What should I do to make things work out smoothly?

Regards, Tammy

Dear Tammy
You are a Tiger, a Wood Ti­ger and this year has obsta­cles that manifest for you but you also have a helpful mentor in your boss. Working life is like that — full of politics and jealous vibrations. This cannot be helped — this is something you have to accept and be strong about. I have de­signed several different talismans and amulets that will shield other people’s jealousies. You will feel the animosity and their horri­ble actions but they cannot cause you long term dam­age. They may even try to defame you but if you stay steadfast and steady you should do well.

Plus you are a Tiger so you have great inner strength — as for your boss feel sorry for her. The fact that she feels threatened shows that she is scared you may cause her to lose her seniority or even her job, so make an ef­fort to be nice to her.

Dear Lillian,
I am living in a flat which is sitting South, facing North and my son’s room is in the central part of the house with his head fac­ing South when sleeping. My son’s kua number is 2 and he was born in the year of the Snake.

I am very concerned as he keeps telling me that he has many illnesses, yet he refuses to let me know what these are. He only said that I will know when he undergoes medical ex­amination for the Nation­al Service next year. He always mentions having recurring dreams (since he was five) and that in the dreams, he dies a painful death at age 28. He is suf­fering from memory loss and is always confused due to bad dreams and is not, doing well in his stud­ies.

Please advise me.
Iris Low

Dear Iris
May I suggest that you take your son immediately for a medical checkup and also shift him to another room? Please make sure he does not sleep with his head pointed South as this is a very afflicted direction this year. Whatever illness he may be having will only get worse.

Do not wait until next year to take action. He could be suffering from something he is ashamed of, and that is why he doesn’t want to let you know so you need to be very sensitive to his feelings. He is definitely suf­fering so you need to be strong for him.

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