  White For Living, Yellow To Dine In

Malay Mail
Tuesday, 9th December 2008

Dearest Lillian,
This is the first time I’m writing to you. I should say that you are great in helping everyone through your expertise in feng shui.

I really admire you. You share your knowledge with everyone - no doubt that’s why you are wealthy and everything goes well.

I am following some of the tips given by you in your recent articles, and would like to check whether this really works on me. My kua number is 1 and my husband’s kua number is 3.

I’m a Boar and my husband is a Dragon. Recently, we painted our living room bright yellow and our dining room white.

Right now, nothing seems to be moving for me, for instance, I had planned a business deal and a tour to India, but at the last minute there wasn’t enough cash. I had placed a wooden horse at my South corner of my working desk. My main gate is facing East.

Does this mean that I need to change the colour of my house?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You
Mrs Kris

Dear Mrs Kris,
You sound very harassed, as if your thoughts are jumping in many different directions. Feng shui practice requires a clear mind and it is always a good idea to read one book fully and then follow the method given. For instance, since you are a Boar and your husband is a Dragon, the last couple of years have been challenging but next year should improve for the Dragon. Your colour scheme for your living and dining rooms can be improved white for living is more appropriate and yellow for dining instead of the other way around. Also, it's a good idea to tone down on the yellow as that would be luckier - an earthier colour brings better luck for the dining area than a bright yellow.

Next, do take note that placing a Horse image in the South is great but this brings promotion luck rather than business luck so I do suggest that you must be careful to be more accurate in your use of energizers.

For business, it is better to activate your SE corner with a water feature as this creates wealth luck as in asset growth rather than activating for income flows. As for your gate facing East, this is excellent for both of you - I suggest you give it a shot of new energy by repainting it black to signify water to energise the wood element of this corner.

Dear Lillian,
I run a management consultancy business. Due to limited capital, I need to cut down costs, so I set up business at home.

I placed an office table upstairs in the hall, but I’m not sure which section is more suitable. Both options will have my back facing a wall. Behind the wall in option one is a bathroom, while behind the wall in the second option is a room. My kua number is 9.

Thank you.


Dear Charmaine,
Working from home is now a very popular arrangement especially with women who are also homemakers with a family to bring up.

So spending effort to get your feng shui right is a very good idea. In fact, when done right the home office can generate a lot of success for you. I would prefer to have a room behind you rather than a bathroom but also hang a picture of a mountain on the wall behind you, as this does do wonders for you.

I have a lovely picture of a golden mountain which is simply excellent, so do look it up on I encourage you to get it and hang it behind you for great good fortune to come to your business. And as your kua number is 9 the coming year 2009 is great for you.

Do face an east group direction, which for you is preferably South or North as this signifies your lucky directions. The only problem is that in 2009, the North is afflicted with the 5 yellow and could pose some dangers.

So to be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to face SE as this is a very lucky direction in 2009. Attend my Extravaganza in KL to hear a full analysis of the afflicted and good fortune directions for the coming year as this is sure to be very helpful to you.

Hello Lillian,
Nearly two years ago we moved to a new country. It was always our dream to come here but now we are worried about my husband losing this job, as his company is not doing too well. You see, a week after moving in to a rented home, I was laid off from work. We want to stay in this country. His kua number is 1 while mine is 9.

In our new home, we have kept our shoes, jackets and suitcases in the storage area beneath the stairs (North). The main door is also in the North, while the entrance faces the North West and a small unkept garden. What should I do to improve our career life? I bought a Pi Yao after I got laid off.


Dear Meja,
These are difficult times indeed and everyone is suffering. Many people are losing their jobs and it is vital to use feng shui to safeguard against loss of income from losing one’s job.

The problem with your house is that the staircase seems to be facing the main door directly. This is a real feng shui problem as this suggests that your store of good fortune is slowly getting depleted. And since it is N/NW it is even more disturbing as North governs career luck while NW governs the bread­winner’s luck. The entrance area seems to be hurt by the staircase. This definitely has a negative impact on your career situations and your family income. I suggest that you place metal wind chimes near the front of your house to strengthen the energy levels of your foyer area.

Use 8 rod windchimes - as these will add to your good fortune by creating powerful metal energy here. Otherwise, use a brass bell - we carry these special feng shui cures in our shop and through our online store at Good luck to you both and stay strong. You have undertaken a big change in your lives and you must stay determined. Do not give in too easily at the first setback as relocating is always a difficult thing to do. At least you have each other!

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